We may dabble in other areas but offices are really our bread and butter here at X-Design so we’ve gotten to know office design quite intimately. Needless to say we know what we’re talking about here so here it is: our top 5 favourite places to have a meeting.
Bleachers – Have a small space but need to seat lots of people? No problemo! Plus they’re nostalgic, fun and informal.
Break Out Areas – These are essential especially for employees with small workstations. If 2 or more employees get talking about something and need to move to a meeting table it needs to be near by so they don’t lose their mojo.
Booth Seating – When you’re in a booth there’s a feeling of separate togetherness that’s just perfect for informal meetings.
Working Wall – If anyone in your office collaborates on anything, you’ll use it. Trust me!
A Bad Ass Lunchroom – Not just a kitchen but an island with bar stools and tables and chairs and some sofas for good measure. All of your employees will be going through there at least once a day so why not make it awesome? Put different types of seating in to accommodate not just lunch but coffee breaks and informal meetings. The lunchroom will also likely be the biggest room in your office so you could have a company wide meeting in there too!
For more great ideas like these, visit our Offices board on Pinterest here.