I relish the opportunity that’s presented with all those glass office fronts that are often included in our designs. Even the most conservative of office environments can capitalize on all that transparent square footage with a film installation that says something about the company. I’ve collected a few of my favourites trends and ideas together for your viewing pleasure. With any luck you will find them inspiring as well.
To start off small, the traditional solid band could be jazzed up with some different shapes or even with colour.
The solid band could also be jazzed up in other ways such as with a gradient, by making use as a white board or being incorporated as way finding.
But let’s not stop there. There is an awful lot of glass so what if there was a pattern that filled the whole surface.
And again the possibilities with colour are extensive.
I also like the opportunity to incorporate the history of the company, the names of the departments or a naming system for meeting rooms.
Finally, I’m really impressed with the capability of printers now and the graphics that can be incorporated into translucent materials.
For more great ideas like these, visit our Signage board on Pinterest here.